Chemistry Review – More Acurate Results
- Innovative dating service matching people through compatibility and chemistry.
- Profiles are more accurate and detailed.
- Focus is put on More on dating and less time emailing.
- offers 7-day free trial.
- You can only view five matches a day.
- Cannot search online database.
- Might be to expensive for some. has more accurate results more accurate results than other dating sites. With a in depth profile that might take you 30 minutes to create, there goal is quality not quantity. Dr. Helen Fischer is the spokeswomen behind She has quite a hefty resume to back up the 30 years of research and books in the art of true love. is based around her research giving members a different approach to finding relationships than any other dating site on the net.
- The profile is the bread and butter of It is extremely detailed and ask you questions you typically wouldn’t see on a online dating service like sub conscience personality, or completing a puzzle.
- This site requires a picture and that picture must be approved before it is posted.
- But looks seem to play a back role to personality since the daily results that you receive shows only the personality match and you have to click on the person to actually view the picture.
- No endless searching in databases, all matches are sent to your in box, where you review them and either decide to pursue it further or decline.
- focuses more on the actual dating than having drawn out communications over email or instant messaging, assisting you in coordinating a date and finding somewhere to meet.
- According to Quantcast this site has a large ratio of men to women, so this is a plus for the men.
THE LOW DOWN: has tried and proven methods of finding true love, and they work. You will receive accurate results that are tailored to your preferences. gives you the opportunity creating a 7 Day Free Trial with before you decide to commit.
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In Personality Quiz Dating